
Subject Matter #
  1. Public Interest Technology
  2. Computational Biology

Public Interest Technology #

Guest Lecture: Council Data Project and Computational Building Blocks for Municipal Political Scholarship #

Brian Keegan's (CU Boulder) Information Expostion - 23 February 2023
Google Drive Link

A intro for undergraduate students as to why municipal legislative data is hard to find, parse, and process and some of the techniques Council Data Project is using to do so.

Council Data Project and Centralization in Civic Technology Projects #

Open Oakland - 8 February 2022

Eva Maxfield Brown of the Council Data Project joins OpenOakland to share the project's approach to tracking legislative action in local city councils.

Council Data Project builds tools for municipal government accessibility and transparency. CDP’s tools gather meeting info, generate transcripts, archive all meeting documents, presentations, reports, and make all of these items accessible from their web application, allowing users to link directly to points in a meeting, track the legislative history of a bill, see full voting records, and more. All of CDP’s tools are easily deployable and any contributions help everyone else -- a new feature to the frontend codebase is a new feature made available to every CDP deployment.

Computational Biology #

AICSImageIO and Large Microscopy Dataset Processing #

Dask Summit - 2021

How does AICSImageIO attempt to solve problems in image reading and "good" metadata utilzation throughout the computation process. How does it attempt to also solve problems in scaling image analysis to tens-of-thousands images per dataset. This talk will give a brief overview of AICSImageIO in general and then provides a specific example of where it speeds up image processing and encourages users to use metadata as a code legibility tool.